Aging Population
The birth of Connection starts with one simple observation: today we live in a society with an aging population ,and our cities are not fitted to respond to the needs of this growing elderly population This is especially true in France. Life expectancy of French people has increased by about one quarter every four years for the last 20 years and the average age of the French population has not been stopped increasing. The "over-60s" represented 16.2% of the total population in 1950, they accounted for represented 20.6% in 2000 and is expected to reach 30 to 40% in 2050 , depending on the choice of the INSEE scenario selected. Indeed, we found that many of them had to deal with physiological problems (such as vision, hearing, mobility). Driving is a complex action that requires skills and proper functioning of vision, cognition, and mobility; thus, age-related decreases in cognitive, executive, and physical functions can lead to unsafe driving . Thus, older road users are increasingly being reported as a higher risk of injury and/or death than younger road users across different travel modes.
After gathering data on this population from this age group, we noticed that their transportation needs were mostly reduced to their neighbourhoods, within a radius of 500 metres to 1 km.
The ageing of the population inevitably calls into question, at different levels, the ways in which to design, plan, operate and develop cities. To this extent, it is important to take into account the evolution of our environment, and more particularly of our cities.
Smart cities
Today, more and more cities are developing their technologies and becoming Smart Cities. A Smart City is a city that incorporates information and communication technologies into its operations. It is thus improving the quality of its services, such as transport and energy. It can therefore offer, for example, a service of autonomous streetlights, free parking lots lit by a car, many self-service chargers for electric cars...
Our concept
It is therefore interesting to combine these two concepts.
Our Connecting application will enable older people to meet their daily travel needs while adapting to urban transformations.
Thanks to a geolocation service, our user will be able to order an autonomous car at his current location, and go to his/her favorite location that he/she previously registered. The autonomous car market is a very promising market (more than 3 million units sold planned by 2035 in Western Europe, and nearly 6 million in the United States).
In addition, thanks to sensors in our cars, an assistance service will be set up for the elderly throughout their journey: enough to prevent a referent from knowing that they have arrived or to prevent an ambulance in case of an incident.
Connection will improve the daily lives of our seniors.